I have been given the chance to do work that is also my passion. This website is a reflection of my process,  perspective and goals.

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A capsule show UTOPIA at Wanted Design NYC 2022 presented by Winston Cuevas.

Daisy was displayed at UTOPIA along with 4 others works by 4 different designers. UTOPIA represented each individuals timely and specific vision of a utopic world, in its irony or actuality. Accompanying the show was a set of zines and graphics designed by Joseph Wulf with curatorial writing by Ann + Kirby Kenny.

Presented and sponsored by : Winston Cuevas
Curated by: Ann + Kirby Kenny
Art Direction: Joseph Wulf
Dedicated to the work of Ugo la Pietra
Works Included by: Henry Leland, Arlo Walker, Winston Cuevas, Louis Hand, Regan Cai

UTOPIA - Wanted Design NYC 2022

Spring 2022